Salmon and Vegetable Fritter

Crispy batter is the key for tasty fritter. Once you beat egg whites, mix other ingredients lightly and quickly, in order not to destroy the foam.
Servings4 servings
Cooking Time30
Calories (1 serving)366 Calories
Sodium (1 serving)2.2 g
2 slices Salmon
150g Broccoli
1/2 pcs (120g) Sweet potato
2 tablespoons REGULAR SOY SAUCE
2 pcs Egg whites
1/2 teaspoon Salt
2 eggs Egg yolks
100ml Water
100g Flour
1/2 teaspoon Baking powder


  1. Separate broccoli into smaller pieces, and slice the stem. Chop sweet potato lengthwise into 4 pieces, cut each piece into 6cm lengths, and soak in water for 5 minutes. Dry the sweet potato and season with "REGULAR SOY SAUCE" (1 tablespoon). Chop salmon into 4 pieces, marinate with "REGULAR SOY SAUCE" (1 table spoon) for 5 minutes, and wipe off the excessive liquid.
  2. Whisk egg whites in a bowl, and season with salt. Beat until the egg whites form still peak.
  3. In a separate bowl, add ingredients of A one at a time, mixing well each time you add. Fold STEP2 in three additions. Be careful not to break the foam.
  4. Heat deep-fry oil (extra ingredient) to 170°C. Dip the vegetables and salmon cut in STEP1 into STEP3, and deep-fry (broccoli for 1 minute, sweet potato for 4-5 minutes, and salmon for 2 minutes). Serve and season with lemon, as you like.