Marinated Tuna Rice Bowl

You can make a gorgeous rice bowl just by marinating tuna "sashimi" (raw fish). The marinated "sashimi" excellently matches with steamed rice.
Servings1 serving
Cooking Time10

*Excluding the time for marinating tuna

Calories (1 serving)615 Calories
Sodium (1 serving)2.6 g


  1. Shave tuna (to be eaten raw) into bite-size pieces.
  2. Combine A in a bowl.
  3. Marinate STEP1 in STEP2 for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Fill steamed rice in a bowl, sprinkle shredded “nori” (roasted laver) on the rice, add STEP3, and garnish with “shiso” leaves (perilla) (julienned).
    Sprinkle white sesame seeds and/or finely chopped green onion, as you like.