Japanese Style Sea Bream and Grapefruit Ceviche Seasoned with Soy Sauce

"Ceviche" is a dish that combines seafood with avocado, onion, and herbs. This recipe uses soy sauce to add Japanese taste. Grapefruit brings refreshing flavor to white-flesh fish. Brisk texture and mild flavor of "mitsuba" match well with the tenderness of "LESS SALT SOY SAUCE". You can also garnish with "myoga" (Japanese ginger) and cilantro, as you like.
Servings2 servings
Cooking Time20
Calories (1 serving)373 Calories
Sodium (1 serving)1.2 g
1 pcs Grapefruit
1 pcs Avocado
1/4 pcs Red onion
1 1/2 tablespoons LESS SALT SOY SAUCE
2 tablespoons Grapefruit (juice)
1/2 clove Garlic
a pinch Salt
a pinch Pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons Olive oil


  1. Chop sea bream into easy-to-eat chunks. Peel outer and inner skin of the grapefruit and cut into halves. Squeeze the inner skin to get some juice for marinade sauce. Grate garlic. Combine A in a bowl, marinate the sea bream in A, and refrigerate.
  2. Cut avocado in half and remove the pit. Chop into bite-size chunks, and combine with the grapefruit cut in STEP1. Slice red onion thin and soak in cold water. Chop “mitsuba” (or celery leaves).
  3. Combine the drained red onion, STEP1, and the avocado and grapefruit mixed in STEP2. Dress with soy sauce and olive oil. Garnish with “mitsuba” and serve.