Chicken "Jibuni"

"Jibuni" (simmered duck) is a local dish of Kanazawa prefecture. You can substitute duck meat for chicken, as the locals do.
Servings4 servings
Cooking Time30
Calories (1 serving)237 Calories
Sodium (1 serving)2.3 g
1 block Grilled tofu
1/2pcs Carrot
as needed Flour
320ml Water


  1. Shave chicken into 8 pieces. Chop tofu into 8 small cubes, and remove the hard tips of shiitake mushrooms. Cut carrot 1cm wide. Parboil the carrot and field peas, respectively.
  2. Combine "KOMBU TSUYU" and water, and boil. Cover the chicken with flour, and place in the boiling soup. Once the color of the chicken changes, add tofu, shiitake mushrooms, and carrot, and simmer for 5-6 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Lightly coat the field peas with the soup, and serve. Garnish with “wasabi” (Japanese horse radish) as you like.