Duck Steak

Similar to chicken, duck meat contains low calories, which is perfect for people on a diet. Duck meat also includes more unsaturated fatty acid compared with beef and pork, and prevents you from obesity and rise of cholesterol level. Soy sauce gives a subtle flavor to Italian dishes, as in this recipe!
Servings2 servings
Cooking Time20
Calories (1 serving)627 Calories
Sodium (1 serving)1.6 g
2 tablespoons Olive oil
as needed Salt, Pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons LESS SALT SOY SAUCE
2 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar


  1. Make shallow cuts to the thick part of duck (chicken) meat to flatten. Season the meat with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and add garlic (finely chopped). When you smell the garlic cooking, place STEP1 in the pan with skin facing down. When the skin browns, flip over the meat, turn the heat low, and put a lid on to fully cook.
  3. Add the mixture of A to STEP2, and slightly boil down.
  4. Cut STEP3 and serve.
    Garnish with dried basil as an option. Or, sauté your favorite vegetables and dish them up as a side.